I originally posted this a few years ago, but a recent experience with a skunk inspired me to include a limerick.

Partridge, Pine, and Peavey

I like skunks. While I would not be thrilled to be sprayed by one, I appreciate their unique look and inspiring opportunistic personality.

I recently had a new experience with a skunk, illustrated in this limerick I was inspired to write afterwards:

A Sea-Swimming Skunk:

Along the seashore waddled a skunk
Until the nocturnal waters beckoned him to plunk
Into the sea Mephitis swam
In search of a clam?
Perhaps he was cleansing himself since he stunk
Alternative ending: Go home skunk, thought I, you’re drunk

Up until recently, skunks were considered members of the weasel family, Mustelidae, but their ability to spray their oily musk long distances (in addition to some DNA differences) separated them from the weasels. They are now considered members of the Mephitidae family, which includes all skunks and stink badgers.

Sketch by H. Stark Striped Skunk, Mephitis mephitis

They can spray that oily musk of theirs up to…

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